About me

Who am I?


So the first question that pops into your mind is who am I? Well let me introduce myself.I am Hafsa a servant of allah, an engineering student and an Indian. To me religion is the most important thing in my life. It gave me a beautiful and peaceful life mashallah.

I always wanted to become a blogger but something stopped me. I knew that I was not good at words but I wanted to try. Well engineering kinda stopped me with the hectic schedule. Sometimes engineering gets on my nerves!!!! Anyways I finally decided that no matter what happens I am going to start my own blog.

Finally I am here!!!!!

So what exactly do I blog about? Well I do random stuff  so there is no specific word for it. So stay tuned.

I started making videos too. And my first video was about makeup being haram or not. A lot of people think that makeup is haram but its actually not. So check out  my video on youtube.

Here’s the link :Is makeup haram?

I am new to this so please bear with me 😦 Inshallah I will try to improve my blogging skills. So that’s it for today. I will see you guys soon.

Barakallahu feek

6 thoughts on “Who am I?

  1. Salaam Sister! My parents are from India, and so you can say I’m a proud Hydro girl. I loved reading your blog, and I look forward to reading more about engineering and your life in general. Check out my blog if you get a chance:motherofpeace.wordpress.com. Who knows maybe you’ll enjoy it like I enjoyed reading yours.

    Until next time.

    Liked by 1 person

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